


Access Managment Solutions

With our Access Management system, you can automate your Trackwise Access request. This system integrates with LDAP and a Learning Management System to handle user training and access requirements. You may also use this solution to undertake a periodic review of admin and normal users. 


With our Access Management system, you can automate your Trackwise Access request. This system integrates with LDAP and a Learning Management System to handle user training and access requirements. You may also use this solution to undertake a periodic review of admin and normal users.

On -Prem

Perform Gap analysis with our Custom Built Configuration Review solution. It compares configuration across two environments and lists the differences. This will aid in reducing human erros in configuration, and help organizations achieve complaince.


Access Management Solution

  • We bring security with Automation
  • Low cost AMS solution
With our Access Management system, you can automate your Trackwise Access request. This system integrates with LDAP and a Learning Management System to handle user training and access requirements. You may also use this solution to undertake a periodic review of admin and normal users.

Configuration Review Solution

  • 100% Compliance 

  • Zero tolerance

Perform Gap analysis with our Custom Built Configuration Review solution. It compares configuration across two environments and lists the differences. This will aid in reducing human erros in configuration, and help organizations achieve complaince.

Access Management Solution

  • We bring security with Automation
  • Low cost AMS solution

With our Access Management system, you can automate your Trackwise Access request. This system integrates with LDAP and a Learning Management System to handle user training and access requirements. You may also use this solution to undertake a periodic review of admin and normal users.

Configuration Review Solution

Perform Gap analysis with our Custom Built Configuration Review solution. It compares configuration across two environments and lists the differences. This will aid in reducing human erros in configuration, and help organizations achieve complaince.